The pandemic of 1918 or the Spanish flu lasted from 1918 to 1919. More people were killed by the pandemic than in WWI.
It wasn't until the autumn of 1918 that people began to pay attention to the strange disease (book source)
that would end up killing fifty million people worldwide. The disease was first recorded to be in Nuremberg in Franconia. However, the seriousness of the disease was not given to the public. (book source).
The disease was most fatal to people between twenty and fifty years old. The symptoms of the disease were fever nausea, aches and diarrhea. "Many developed severe pneumonia attack. Dark spots would appear on the cheeks and patients would turn blue, suffocating from a lack of oxygen as lungs filled with a frothy, bloody substance." Source. Nothing this deadly had been seen since the black death in the Middle Ages.
The Spanish influenza received its name from the amount of people who died from it in Spain. This pandemic actually began in the United States. It began to be noticed military camps in the US during WWI. One fifth of the world had suffered from the pandemic. Eve the US president Woodrow Wilson caught the Spanish influenza as well.
The Spanish influenza of 1918 killed more people than WWI, which killed around sixteen million people. This pandemic ended up killing fifty million people worldwide.
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