Theodore Roosevelt became president after the the former president, William McKinley was shot. During his presidency, Roosevelt made many accomplishments.
President Theodore Roosevelt became president on Saturday September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, New York, at 3:32pm. Book Source. "The oath of office was administered by Judge John R. Hazel, of the United States District Court." (Book Source). When Roosevelt was sworn in, he vowed to keep the former president, McKinley's policies. Book source.
During his presidency, Roosevelt began the construction of the Panama Canal. The canal was originally going to be built in Nicaragua or Panama. Although President Roosevelt supported the plan to built the canal in Panama Congress debated the plan and it appeared that the canal would be built in Nicaragua. However, the plan changed when a volcano became active in Nicaragua, it was decided that the canal would be built in Panama.
He was also known as the trust buster for supporting the break down of the trust businesses that would cheat people by putting higher prices on things and refusing them trade.
Theodore Roosevelt also won the Nobel Peace Prize for putting an end to the Russo-Japanese War. " Lasting from February 1904 until the signing of a peace treaty in early September 1905, was arguably the first modern war." (Source). In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt was the first American president to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
President Theodore Roosevelt was a remarkable president. during his time in office he began the construction of the Panama Canal and became the first president to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
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