Islam and Christianity are two extremely different religions. However, they are somewhat similar.
The morality of Christianity and Islam are extremely different. According to Islam, men can have four wives, even though Muhammad had more wives than four. According to Christianity having more than one wife is, in fact, a sin. Jesus and Muhammad were very different. First of all, Mohammad was from an angel, Gabriel (Corrick, 89) that he claimed claimed to be from God. Jesus claimed not only to be from God, but to be the Son of God, and he proved it by rising from the dead. Mohammad never rose from the the dead. the Koran requires obedience to Allah (Pirenne, 151), and a Christians should be obedient to God, however, that is not how we get to heaven, Romans 3:24, "and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." source.
Christianity and Islam are similar because according to the five tenants of Islam alms are to be given to the poor (Corrick, 91). Christians also should care for the poor and needy. Also, according to the five pillars of Islam, Muslims should pray every day. Christians should also pray every day, and spend quality time with God.
However, there are also differences between Islam and Christianity. For Instance, the Hajj, or a journey to Mecca in ones lifetime, is required in the Islamic faith. In the Christian religion, we are not required to go on a journey to Jerusalem or Mecca. However, God wants us to "go make disciples of all nations" source.
Although Islam and Christianity are two totally different religions, they do share a few similarities. However, just because two religions may have a few similarities doesn't at all mean they have a common purpose.
Corrick A., James. World History Series: The Early Middle Ages. Lucent Books Inc.: San Diego, 1995.
Pirenne, Henry. Mohammad and Charlemagne. Barns & Noble Inc., 1992.
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