Plato live from 428BC to 347BC. He had many influences in his early life. He was educated by Socrates and is known for his accomplishments. Plato was also significant for many reasons.
Plato was born to an upper class family (Stone 122) in 428BC. Although his original name was Aristocles his body's large form earned him the name Platon. His father died before he grew into manhood and his mother was married again to a man by the name of Pyrilampes. Although his parents and stepfather had early influences on his life Socrates was the most influential. Plato was not only a student of Socrates, but one his friends. In 407BC Plato became one of Socrates' students. Plato was a very devoted student of Socrates, who couldn't ignore his teachings.
One of Plato's accomplishments was founding the Academy in Athens in 387 BC. Plato would teach there when he was not on one of his journeys(Grant Michael 94). The academy was used to
Plato was made significant by many things. Two of these things were, recorded ideas from Socrates for the following generations and the fact that Aristotle was his student. Interestingly, Alexander the Great was the student of Aristotle. Plato also founded a lot of the western thoughts in logic, politics, philosophy, psychology.
Plato live from 428BC to 347BC. Although he had many influences in his early life Socrates was the biggest influence. Plato his known for his many accomplishments. He is also significant for many reasons.
Stone I.F. The Trial of Socrates. Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1988.
Grant Michael. The Founders of the Western World: A History of Greece and Rome. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.
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