Khufu was one of many Egyptian pharaohs. He ruled for many years, and is responsible for building one of the greatest cites in the world (Shuter 12).
The pharaoh, Khufu,reigned from 2589 to 2566B.C. (Shuter 12). He was the second king in the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt. Khufu's original name was Khnum-Khufu, which means,"the god Khnum protects me." Khufu was known to the Greeks as Cheops. There is not much known about Khufu since his tomb was robbed.
Khufu was the son of King Sneferu and Hetepheres. Khufu had four wives (Shuter 12), three of them were Merey-it-is, Queen Henusten, and Merityotes. He had six sons (Shuter12), Kawab, Khufukhaf, Minnkhaf, Djedefhor, Djedefre and Khephren who is also known as Khafre.
Khufu's pyramid was built at Giza (Casson 129). This pyramid was 481 feet tall, and was made with over 2.5 million stone blocks that weighed about 2.5 tons each. There are theories about the construction of this pyramid. The first one is offered by experts, they think that slaves were forced to build the pyramid. the next suggestion is more thought out than the first, the suggestion is that the pyramid was built by many, many skilled workers who were camping close by the pyramids and would work for a salary until the pyramid was finished source.
We don't know much about this man's accomplishments, however, we do know that the Pyramid of Giza is Khufu's most famous project, and probably his greatest.
Khufu is one of Egypt's most famous pharaohs. He ruled for about twenty three years, and accomplished an amazing project without modern day technology to speed the process, which is pretty impressive.
Shuter, Jane. "People Who Made History in Ancient Egypt."
Austen: Steck-Vaughen, 2001.
Casson, Lionel. "Great Ages of Man Ancient Egypt."
Canada: Library of Congress, 1965.
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