Saturday, August 30, 2008


Charlemagne was born in 742AD, and died in 814AD. Charlemagne was a n amazing warrior, who fought for his faith (Scott 28), and sent out amazing campaigns during his reign.

Charlemagne was a Roman Catholic, he lived from 742 AD to 814 AD. He was Pepin the third and Bertrada's son. When Charlemagne's father died in 768, he became king of the Western area of the kingdom of the Franks.

When Charlemagne's brother, Carloman died in 771, he took the kingdom and added it to his own. Over fifty campaigns were sent out during Charlemagne's rule. It was due to his amazing ability to organize his troops that Charlemagne was able to send out so many incredible campaigns. Charlemagne ruled the Western area of Europe by 800. He was able to unify most of the Roman Empire and provide a way for modern Europe's developement.

Charlemagne was part of the Carolingian Empire, and was the fourth member of this dynasty(Blum Cameron Barnes 17). Charlemagne ruled for forty three years. He was a Christian emperor, and, although he was religious he was also violent, for at a time during his reign he had over four thousand Saxon people executed within a day. However, Charlemagne also supported teaching and learning (Blum Cameron Barnes 17). Charlemagne's impressive reign ended in 814, when the incredible emperor died at the age of seventy one.

Charlemagne was born in 742AD, and died in 814AD. Although Charlemagne was somewhat violent, he supported education given by the Church (Blum Cameron Barnes 17). Charlemagne eventually died at when he was seventy one years old.

Blum, Jerome, Rondo Cameron, Thomas G Barnes. The European World: A History. Little, Brown and Company, 1966.

Scott, Martin. Medieval Europe. Martin Scott, 1964.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Battle of Hastings

The battle was on October 4, 1066, between King Harold, and the Duke William. This would prove to be an important battle; England would never be the same after The Battle of Hastings.

The problem began when King Edward, or Edward the Confessor, died. His son was not yet old enough to take possession of the throne and the nobles did not approve of him, so Harold Godwinson took up the throne in England. However, William, who was from Normandy, wanted the throne, as did the ruler of Norway, Harald Hadrada.

Harold was successful in defeating Harald Hadrada. The celebration of his victory would not last, for word reached King Harold that William of Normandy had reached Pevensey Bay. When he met William's force he was at a disadvantage, for many of his men were not able to travel at the demanded speed (source).

The battle was on October 4, 1066. William of Normandy was able to receive help from several places in exchange for a share of the land. The two armies met in battle, and, eventually, Harold was killed and William's force was able to crush Harold's army. William eventually became king on the Christmas of 1066.

The battle of Hastings took place on October 4, 1066. This battle was between the Saxons and the French. The French eventually won the battle, and William claimed the throne of England.